Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

The Passover Comes to Washington

Mar 26, 2019

Imagine sitting with staff members from all three branches of the federal government, as a messianic rabbi describes how each element in the Passover Meal points to Jesus Christ as the Passover Lamb whose sacrifice purchases our redemption from sin. Now imagine the moment tears fill the eyes of some of these government leaders as they commit their lives to Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

This is a picture of what often happens each time Faith & Liberty hosts an annual Seder Meal in our ministry facility, located right across the street from the U.S. Supreme Court and one block from the Capitol Building.

That's why we're so excited to once again present the Messianic Passover Meal (Seder) on Tuesday, April 2, 2019. The ministry center will be filled with members of staff from Congress, the courts, and the White House as well as other friends of the ministry.

Please join us in praying that presence of God will fill the house and that, once again, leaders from government will experience the power of the cross as they surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.

All you have to do is hear the headlines on TV or consider some of the anti-religious, anti-Christian policies currently being considered on Capitol Hill (like H.R. 5, a monstrous piece of legislation that threatens every church and every Christian ministry in America) to know how much those in government need Jesus!

We are your missionaries to Capitol Hill with a God-given mission to advance the Gospel among our nation's public policy makers.

Will you stand with us by making an immediate online contribution to help us cover the costs of this remarkable outreach to our nation's leaders as well as our other programs at Faith & Liberty?

Your gift of $25, $35, $50, $100 or more will help make certain this unique Gospel outreach to Capitol Hill remains vibrant!

To make your fully tax-deductible online gift to Faith & Liberty, CLICK HERE.

Thank you for your prayers and your generous support. We look forward to hearing from you!

Your missionaries to Washington, DC,

Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President
Mat Staver, Chairman
Greg Cox, Lead Missionary

P.S. Again, please join us in prayer for the upcoming Messianic Passover Seder to be held at our national ministry center on April 2, 2019. We believe God's Word will not return to him void and that this unique presentation of the Gospel will find fertile soil in the hearts and minds of those in attendance. Thank you!