Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

His Poverty, Our Riches!

Nov 24, 2024

In just 10 days, Faith & Liberty will enact a Live Nativity on Capitol Hill, and we need your help! In the Live Nativity, actors in New Testament-era costumes portray Mary, Joseph, the Christ Child (always a real, live, newborn baby), the shepherds, Wise Men, townspeople, and angels.

And that’s not all! We even include the animals that were likely on the scene in Bethlehem — a donkey, sheep, and even a camel. You can imagine the amazement on Capitol Hill at this entourage.

YOUR urgent help is needed RIGHT NOW to make this Live Nativity happen. Select Here to donate!

We do this, in part, to remind our national leaders of the true meaning of Christmas, when God became flesh and dwelt among us!

The Gospel of Luke tells us: “And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7).

As mentioned yesterday, the word “inn” is not the usual word for a lodging place. Instead, it simply means an enclosure, sort of like a walled courtyard, which sometimes had a few sparse rooms where travelers driving their cattle for the night could stay. You can almost think of it as a square with a few rooms on one side and stables for the animals on the other. But when Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem, this crude facility was already full.

So, what did Mary and Joseph do? They stayed with the animals in the stable. Consider that incredible reality for a moment. The one of whom the prophet said the nations would be a footstool for his feet was born not in the palace of a king or in the hallways of power — but in an animal corral. No bedding, no food, no host, no entertainment, nothing but a feeding trough in which to lay the Christ Child!

Why? Why such a lowly entrance into the world He came to redeem?

The Apostle Paul answered that question when he told the church at Corinth, “He, being rich, became poor for your sakes, that through His poverty you might be rich” (2 Cor. 8:9). As Ambrose, the fourth-century bishop of Milan, said, “He was on earth so that you may be in the stars. He had no place in the inn, so that you may have mansions in Heaven.”

That’s why we do the Live Nativity! As the caravan proceeds, it reminds our national leaders that this tiny child, born into poverty so many years ago, is the King above all other kings. He is Christ the Lord! We’re there to remind them that for all their power and influence, for all their manipulation and conniving, for all their pompous pontificating, they are not our salvation — Jesus is!

And, while we are grateful for the new incoming administration, they too need to remember that government is not our peace — Jesus is! Government is not our source — Jesus is! And government is not our hope — Jesus is!

But we need your help to make certain this living illustration of the miracle of the Christ Child is there to serve as a powerful witness to those on Capitol Hill. Will you stand with us through your prayers and giving?


Thank you for your prayers! Thank you for your generosity! And remember, Christ is born! Let all the earth — including our national leaders — proclaim His Glory!

Peggy Nienaber, Senior Vice President

Mat Staver, Chairman

Rev. Gregory Cox, Senior Pastor