Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

The Faith & Liberty Monday Report

Feb 19, 2024

For many Americans, Presidents Day — celebrated today — passes like a blip on the screen of life. You might receive a Presidents Day sale flyer in the mail from your local furniture store, so if you need a couch or a dining room set, you’re in great shape! Even here in our nation’s capital, it is mainly a holiday where federal government employees take a break from the rigors of public service.

But at Faith & Liberty, we still feel it’s good to remember this day as important in U.S. history. The day initially honored our first president, George Washington. Later, it was thought to include Abraham Lincoln, and now all U.S. presidents.

Perhaps the most significant and patriotic thing we can do today is to pray for our nation, for Joe Biden, and for free and fair November elections. Ultimately, we know that God is sovereign and uses us to install our leaders in office, as Daniel 2:21 reminds us:

“He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.”

At the same time, we recognize that “righteousness exalts a nation” (Prov. 14:34), so it is incumbent upon us to engage culturally and vote for national leaders who are committed to God and to His commands.

Let us pray today that all of our leaders will walk humbly with God, seeking His wisdom and His ways.

Thank you for joining us to pray for our nation today! Please see other important prayer requests below. We hope you will reference them through the week so we can unite in prayer for our ministry and our nation.

We also invite you to support the vital ministry of Faith & Liberty with your one-time or ongoing monthly financial gifts. It’s because of your support in prayer and finances that we are able to be in Washington and minister from our base on Capitol Hill. Thank you for standing with us as God leads!

Your missionaries in Washington, D.C.,

The Faith & Liberty team

You form the backbone of Faith & Liberty because of your prayers and financial support. Please also pray about becoming one of our vitally important monthly contributors. Sign up for monthly giving on our website using the DONATE button below and select the option, “I would like to make this a recurring donation.” If you prefer to call, please ask for Patty Bills at the Faith & Liberty office at 202-737-1776, and she will gladly assist you. You truly are an important part of our ministry, and we thank you!

  • We had a wonderful week of receptions and dinners for Valentine’s Day as we shared the love of Christ through meals and fellowship.

  • Peggy Nienaber participated in Ash Wednesday services and invited members of Congress and their staffers to join if they so desired.

  • Our monthly Congressional Bible Study met to study the Psalms.

  • Peggy met with a few members of Congress separately to support them in one-on-one prayer times.


  • Peggy Nienaber will meet Tuesday with Salvation Army Commissioner Jolene Hodder. Peggy and Jolene received the Congressional Christian Women of Distinction honors in 2021 along with eight other women. Peggy will have the opportunity to tour the Salvation Army headquarters and view its programs and also share about Faith & Liberty’s programs and events on Capitol Hill.

  • Aglow International will visit our Ministry Center this week to pray for Faith & Liberty. We value their diligent and faithful prayers!
  • This week we’ll just have a few Bible studies because of the Presidents Day holiday today.
  • Peggy Nienaber has been selected to go to an interest meeting for the Volunteer Chaplain Corps for the United States Capitol Police. These volunteer chaplains serve as an emotional and spiritual support to the police.

  • We are continuing to plan for the Ministry Fair next month. Over 300 congressional staffers and Members of Congress are expected to attend.

For our ministry:

Pray that we would be the hands and feet of Jesus to those we serve on Capitol Hill.

Pray for one-on-one divine appointments and that our ministry would effectively share Christ with many on Capitol Hill.

Pray for a rooftop location here in Washington for the annual Rooftop Prayer event in late April!

Pray for salvations and spiritual growth in those who attend our Bible studies and prayer times.

Pray that Faith & Liberty would grow in effectiveness and reach! We know it is God who gives the increase!

Pray for a hedge of protection around Faith & Liberty staff members and our building.

For our nation:

Pray for the effectiveness of members of Congress who are walking the straight and narrow way, according to Matthew 7:13-14.

Pray against the spiritual darkness that surrounds the abortion and anti-family lobby.

Pray for the preservation of freedom and faith in our beloved nation.


Our efforts to bring the Word of God to bear on the hearts and minds of our public policy makers are only possible because wonderful friends like you stand with us both in faithful prayer and in your generous financial support! Thank you!

Make a difference and partner with us.