Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

The Faith & Liberty Monday Report

Dec 11, 2023

Were you able to join us for our Live Nativity this past Thursday in front of the Supreme Court? It was rather chilly! But our hearts were warmed as we saw many people brave the elements to see this powerful, visual presentation of the gospel.

For 20 years, we have planned and presented a commemoration of the historical event of the Son of God entering the world He created. He became Immanuel, which means “God with us” (Matt. 1:23), in such a beautiful way, emptying Himself and taking on human flesh, not only as a man but as a helpless babe (Phil. 2:7). What a Savior!

During our Live Nativity, several media outlets were there to photograph Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus, and their human and animal entourage in front of the Supreme Court. As a result, photos of the volunteers and animal handlers who donned the heavy, ornate costumes went around the world. We are grateful that the message of the Messiah’s coming to earth has been heard loud and clear on Capitol Hill and beyond!

Thank you for your faithful support in prayer and for your generous gifts to undergird our Live Nativity in its 20th year!

Your missionaries in Washington, D.C.,

The Faith & Liberty team

As we come to the close of the year, would you consider an extra gift for Faith & Liberty? We are behind on our budget for the year and would so appreciate your helping us meet our financial goals for this ministry. Please also pray about becoming one of our vitally important monthly contributors. Sign up for monthly giving on our website using the DONATE button below and select the option, “I would like to make this a recurring donation.” You can also call and ask for Patty Bills at the Faith & Liberty office at 202-737-1776, and she will gladly assist you. You truly are an important part of our ministry, and we thank you!


  • We participated in “Carols at the Capitol” with members of Congress on Wednesday evening in the Capitol building. This was an exclusive for the members, but Peggy was graciously allowed to bring a few guests for this special event.

  • Rev. Greg Cox attended the National Association of Christian Lawmakers meeting in D.C. Greg met with several members of Congress as well as a number of candidates from around the country running for congressional office.

  • Peggy Nienaber met staffers who didn’t go home for the holiday for one-on-one coffee times this week.  Pray for our interns as they head back home.

  • We also had several dinners enabling us to personally connect with and thank our supporters and volunteers.

  • Several interns and congressional staffers, including some we have shared the gospel with, were baptized on Sunday. PTL!


  • Rock Wednesday, our monthly prayer time, will take place this week. Pray that many would come to acknowledge the Lord in all they do and for Peggy as she facilitates this special time of prayer and praise.

  • A new season of small groups and Bible studies will launch in the New Year. We look forward to seeing what God will do through Faith & Liberty in 2024!

  • Preparation is underway for the “Prayers & Remembrance — Victims of Roe” memorial to be held at the U.S. Supreme Court on Sunday, January 22, 2024.

  • Faith & Liberty will host a “Life Reception” after the National March for Life on Jan. 17. This gives us a time to meet and greet members, those who participate in the March, and many supporters visiting D.C. for these special events celebrating life.


Pray that our Live Nativity would continue to have an impact on those who saw it live and those who see it in the media.

Thank the Lord for our lawmakers and their staff who come to Rock Wednesday and set aside this important time as a priority. Pray for many to be drawn to this time of prayer and praise.

Praise God for the young people who chose to be baptized yesterday!

Pray for the Faith & Liberty staff members, for good health, for strength to serve, and for spiritual fruit as we minister on Capitol Hill. Pray, too, that we would stand strong spiritually against the evil one who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy.

Our efforts to bring the Word of God to bear on the hearts and minds of our public policy makers are only possible because wonderful friends like you stand with us both in faithful prayer and in your generous financial support! Thank you!

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