Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

The Faith & Liberty Monday Report: You're Invited!

Jan 17, 2022

This is the week we’ve all been waiting for! We start with a focus on liberty and end with a focus on life.

Tuesday, our chairman, Mat Staver, will present the oral argument before the U.S. Supreme Court in the Shurtleff v. City of Boston case. Mat has prepared thoroughly for this precedent-setting case, which centers on free speech and the Christian flag. While Mat is the lead attorney on this case, he also has a legal team who assisted him in his preparation and will be with him in Washington this week.

We believe we will prevail in this case before the High Court, but we don’t take victory for granted, so we look to God for favor, knowing it is He who can turn hearts (Proverbs 21:1). This evening at 7 p.m. EST, we will host a Prayer & Candlelight Vigil, and we invite you to join us in person or on Facebook Live.

Tomorrow, we will hold another rally in front of the Supreme Court with a number of key speakers, including the plaintiff in this case, Hal Shurtleff of Camp Constitution, and Liberty Counsel attorneys Harry Mihet and Jonathan Alexandre. “Let Freedom Fly!” is our theme—which is appropriate for a flag case. The rally begins at 9 a.m., Tuesday, right before Mat argues the case at 10 a.m.

Let us agree together that our freedom to honor God in a public forum in America will prevail. To God be the glory!


Peggy Nienaber, Vice President

We need YOUR help to keep this mission going! Faith & Liberty is 100% donor driven, and we cannot minister to our nation's capitol without YOU, the steadfast Faith & Liberty supporter. Please. make your best possible donation today. Select here or the button below.


  • This Friday, January 21, the annual March for Life rally and march will be held.
  • The Remembering the Preborn Flowers & Prayer Vigil brings us to the front of the Supreme Court again on Saturday, January 22, at 11 a.m., to stand for life.

Our prophetic missionary work in Washington, D.C., continues during this critical time in history. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR PRAYER REQUEST.

We must all stay tuned in to what's happening in our nation's capital. To stay informed on issues in Washington and play your part as a citizen and a Christian, look for Faith & Liberty's ACTION emails throughout the week.


Pray for Mat Staver as he presents the oral argument in Shurtleff v. City of Boston on Tuesday at the Supreme Court. Pray for clarity of thought and a clear voice to speak to the hearts and minds of the nine Justices at the Court. Pray for each of the Justices to come with an open mind to listen and that truth will prevail.

Pray for all the activity around this case in the wake of the winter storm that hit the capital just before the case. Pray that weather-related issues will be kept at bay and will not hinder our effectiveness in any way.

Pray for the speakers at the rally the day of the case. Pray that they would prepare and present well and that God would be glorified in this gathering.

Our efforts to bring the Word of God to bear on the hearts and minds of our public policy makers are only possible because wonderful friends like you stand with us both in prayer and in your generous financial support! Thank you!

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