Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital
Dec 21, 2021
Last Friday, a Democrat-led congressional subcommittee started addressing its election fraud strategy. They plan to slip this massive election fraud bill through in the remaining days before Christmas. The next few days will be critical to STOP ELECTION FRAUD BILLS.
Senators are anxious to wrap up and get home for the holidays. This is when last-minute deals are cut, unusual political partnerships are formed, and bills are passed at 4 a.m.—when no one is watching. This is what we have been warning you about.
We need to make sure that—especially in this environment—absolutely none of these devastating election fraud enhancement bills slips through the Senate!
Democrats are desperate for control of the 2022 election. If their election fraud bills pass, we will never have a fair election. Send your urgent faxes to the U.S. Senate demanding they block any last-minute attempts to pass the election fraud bills! —Your Faith & Liberty team
The Senate has just entered into Executive Session, a special procedure to focus on “issues and other business received from the president.” War is raging inside the U.S. Senate right now, and it will determine the survival and future of America.
Three bills are now on the negotiation table: HR 1, HR 4 and S 2747. Each of these bills would unleash a torrent of voting fraud loopholes in our nation like we have never before experienced.
One of the aspects being pushed now is “preclearance” nationwide. This would place every election detail and minutia in the hands of Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ).
That would put capricious and radicalized DOJ career bureaucrats in TOTAL AND COMPLETE CONTROL over every hiring decision, precinct boundary, the racial makeup of each precinct, voting locations, ballot drop-box locations—and even whether a city can annex property or not.
Maureen Riordan, a former Department of Justice (DOJ) employee and whistleblower, exposed the massive abuse that was already present in the DOJ during the 2000 election. She said, “I was shocked when I personally observed voting section [DOJ] staff discussing strategies, faxing and receiving information from DNC (Democratic National Committee) operatives in Florida.”
“The [DOJ] voting section has a long record of abuse by its attorneys for improper collaboration. … It’s been sanctioned by courts. Between 1992 and 2000, the voting section has been sanctioned over 2 million dollars!” Riordan said. In Johnson v. Miller, she said the court found “collusive misconduct by DOJ attorneys with the ACLU.” The court found the relationship between the DOJ and ACLU “disturbing” as they acted like “peers working together against the jurisdiction that made the submission.”
“I have also witnessed twisted racialism ... [in the DOJ that] includes the abuse of an African American paralegal deemed ‘not black enough’ by voting staff.” The DOJ cannot even guard its own employees from outright racism that would never be allowed in the precincts they want to control.
We must not allow the DOJ—with its history of blatantly disregarding our election laws and colluding with Democratic candidates—to have complete and total control over our elections! If the DOJ and ACLU control elections, they control America!
Send your critical faxes to members of the House and Senate.
At one point, the DOJ objected to a city annexing a small portion of property for a shocking reason. It was established that the annex would add TWO WHITE VOTERS to a predominantly minority precinct, and that was why the DOJ blocked the annex!
DOJ whistleblowers have exposed the close working relationship between the DOJ voting rights division and groups like the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center and even radical, violent groups like La Raza. Preclearance would essentially put these organizations in charge of all future elections through their buddy-buddy relationships with the DOJ.
And don’t forget George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg.
Democrats are serious about passing these bills. If they are successful, they will turn U.S. elections into a joke!
Make no mistake. Senate Democrats are now pushing these terrible bills. We must stop this now. Click here to send your faxes to key members of the Senate.
Democrats in Congress are working overtime to seize our freedom to elect our political leaders. While our Founding Fathers fought on the battlefields willing to give their lives for freedom, we face a cold war over the survival of freedom in America.
Today, we are fighting to determine how our leaders will be chosen in 2022. Like the battles of old, soldiers’ duty did not end with one round or one skirmish. Tiring as the battle was, they endured and fought until they won the battle for freedom. So must we today. A good soldier does not engage in battle for one hour or one day but presses onward until the battle is won.
In this moment, we all need to have a warrior’s mentality. We cannot throw one “punch,” send one fax, sign one petition, send one letter or make one call to save America.
We must do all of it over and over until we win. Fair elections are on the line.
Remember that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Do not let members of the Senate ignore us. Like the woman in Luke 18 who repeatedly pressed her petition to the unrighteous judge, so we also must do.
When you support Faith & Liberty, you are investing not only in the survival of America but in our nation’s future. DOUBLE THE IMPACT OF YOUR DONATION NOW through our Challenge Grant. Support Faith & Liberty by clicking here or below.
Thanks for fighting for America. Our future depends on our actions today.
Your missionaries to Washington, D.C.,
Peggy Nienaber, Vice President
Mat Staver, Chairman
Rev. Gregory Cox, Lead Missionary
P.S. To sign a petition against these election fraud bills, select here.
Klobuchar, Amy. 2021. “Text - S.2747 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Freedom to Vote Act.” Congress. October 20, 2021.
Member Day Hearing Elections Subcommittee. 2021. “Committee on House Administration Subcommittee Hearing on Elections.” U.S. House. December 17, 2021, at 9:00am.
Sarbanes, John P. 2021. “Text - H.R.1 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): For the People Act of 2021.” Congress. March 11, 2021.
Sewell, Terri A. 2021. “Text - H.R.4 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021.” Congress. September 14, 2021.
“The Senate in Executive Session.” n.d. The U.S. Senate. Accessed December 17, 2021.