Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital
Nov 20, 2020
Yesterday, two Republican Wayne County, MI, Board of Canvassers members refused to certify the election, due to the numerous incidents of voter fraud in Detroit. These two people faced vicious personal attacks, threats, and even had their children doxed—all of which was designed to intimidate and force them to certify election “results.”
This is outrageous. If our nation is going to survive, honest citizens must be able to stand up for an accurate and honest counting of ballots without their children being afraid of going to school or returning home safely.
You now have a way to support these two courageous Board of Canvassers members. We are launching a fax to reach the state legislators in the battleground areas to demand verified counting of valid votes before any Electoral College votes are cast in these swing states.
An incredible number of affidavits is growing daily indicating that this election was stolen through fraud. And there is increasing information about election tampering at the software level. Now is the time for patriots to not be silent. Make your voice heard with your urgent fax today to legislators in MI, WI, PA, NV, and AZ to investigate and remove any election fraud. -Your Faith & Liberty Team
One of these Republican Board Canvassers stated in a sworn affidavit: “I determined that approximately 71% of Detroit’s 134 Absent Voter Counting Boards (AVCB) were left unbalanced and many unexplained.” This means that the number of people who checked in did not match the number of ballots cast in the vast majority of locations.
See why Wayne Co. Republicans refused to certify the vote. . .
a. When a voter’s name could not be found, the election worker assigned the ballot to a random name already in the QVF (voter file) of a person who had not voted. This is why when thousands of people showed up to vote, they were told they had already voted!
b. Election workers were instructed to not verify signatures on absentee ballots, and to backdate and process them even if not valid.
c. After the last absentee ballots had been received, tens of thousands more arrived at the TCF Center unsecured and without envelopes. Every ballot was attributed only to Democrat candidates.
Will you help Faith & Liberty defend free and fair elections?
d. Election workers were instructed to falsely report that these late, unsecured ballots had been received prior to the November 3, 2020.
e. False information was entered to process invalid ballots, such as using made-up birthdays.
f. On a daily basis leading up to the election, Democrat election workers coached voters to vote a straight Democrat ticket. These same people stood with voters to watch them and instruct them how to vote, allege witnesses represented by the Great Lakes Justice Center.
g. After poll challengers started discovering the fraud taking place at the TCF Center, Democrat officials and workers locked credentialed challengers out so they could not observe the process.
This cannot be swept under the rug.
Tell legislators in swing states that allegations of election fraud must be investigated to ensure a fair election. Send your urgent fax right now to the state leaders in swing states who control the Electoral College.
Yesterday, President Trump’s legal team had an informative press conference revealing even more sworn affidavits regarding Detroit and other states. They reported there is evidence of up to hundreds of thousands of illegal votes.
We are seeing a growing number of serious allegations of fraud backed up by sworn affidavits coming from multiple unrepeated sources all pointing to the same conclusion. It is imperative that we tell state legislators in these swing states to demand a full investigation prior to any Electoral College votes.
Send your urgent fax today to these conservative legislators and encourage them to stand on the principle of an honest and accurate election right now.
We are fighting on the frontlines to ensure a fair election for 2020 and beyond. The future of American democracy depends on it.
Pray for the deeds done in secret to come to light and that evidence necessary to prove these cases can be discovered. Our staff is doing everything in our power to fight for the truth and election integrity.
Your financial support is what makes this possible. Our team relies 100% on the partners who support this ministry.
But we need YOUR help. A NEW Year-End Challenge Grant has been established to DOUBLE THE IMPACT of your gift. Every gift between now and the end of the year will be effectively doubled. Please, give as generously as you can. Our freedom truly hangs in the balance.
If you cannot fax or make a donation today, please help spread this important information. Forward this message to your friends and ask them to join in voicing support to ensure an accurate and honest election. Then visit this page with links to the growing number of affidavits that we have.
Your missionary team to Washington, DC
Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President, Faith & Liberty
Mat Staver, Chairman
Rev. Gregory Cox, Lead Missionary, Faith & Liberty
P.S. Please join our Challenge Grant to help our team effectively fight for a fair election in PA, MI and beyond. Our Year-End Matching Challenge Grant will effectively DOUBLE the impact of your donations between now and the end of the year! Help equip our staff to fight this battle for a free and fair election.
P.P.S. There is a lot of information about fraud that is growing around the nation. Send your urgent fax to these swing state legislators to demand a fair and honest election with valid results prior to any Electoral College vote.
*In our November 20 message, we initially reported that Great Lakes Justice Center representatives coached voters at the poll booths. That message should have read: The Great Lakes Justice Center represents four people who say they witnessed Democrat election workers coaching voters. We apologize for any confusion this error may have caused.