This week we are taking part in the International Religious Freedom Ministerial, where high-level leaders, religious organizations, and civil leaders from across the globe will discuss freedom of religion—especially in the context of COVID, sustainable development goals, and security. Pray that these discussions are fruitful and it leads to a greater understanding, protection of, and appreciation for religious freedom around the world.
Please continue to pray with us for the election. We must have a fair and transparent election process. Pray for fraud to be exposed and truth to be revealed.
Thank you for your partnership during this critical time!
In Christ,
Peggy Nienaber, Vice President
Here are a few of our recent activities:
- Participated in planning meetings with Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback in preparations for the Third Ministerial to promote religious freedom.
- Today, we took part in the International Religious Freedom Ministerial. The formal ministerial included opening remarks by Polish and U.S. officials and included people from high-level government delegations.
- Organized and participated prayer teams in front of the supreme court during the argument of California v. Texas & Texas v. California (constitutionality of Obamacare individual mandate and severability of mandate.)
- Participated in the zoom conference call meeting: "The Mayflower Compact and the Foundations of Religious Liberty" and "Bolstering the American Story" Series discussing with experts the origins of religious liberty in America and its enduring importance to our democracy.
- Continued with the final plans for the scaled-back Nativity to be held on December 2. We are finalizing all permits and details of the event.
- Small groups, Bibles studies and Men and Women Prayer Breakfasts continue at the ministry center.
- The Faith & Liberty team continues to be a part of prayer conference calls throughout the challenges of the 2020 election.
- Day two of the International Religious Freedom Ministerial will take place tomorrow, during which the Polish government will bring religious organizations and civil leaders together to discuss freedom of religion in relation to COVID, development goals, and security.
- Faith & Liberty team members will participate in an International Religious Freedom roundtable discussion.
- We are making final preparations now for our annual Live Nativity. Due to COVID it will be a scaled back version. Some in DC wanted us to cancel but we are determined to still present this living tract of the Gospel in front of the US Supreme Court. With the hatred and division tearing at our country, we all need to be reminded of the Good News that the Prince of Peace was born in Jerusalem to carry our sins to the cross and reconcile us to God!
Our prophetic missionary work in Washington, D.C. continues during this critical time in history. Look for our ACTION emails coming up this week. We greatly appreciate everyone standing with us both in prayer and through your generous support.
Please continue to pray that truth would be revealed throughout this entire election process. We must have fair and transparent elections. A fair election is the heart of a free country. Also, please continue praying for protection of the Ministry Center from any unrest in our nation’s capital.
Pray for those attending Bible studies and ministry events at the ministry center, as well as the congressional leaders we have the opportunity to meet with and pray for.
As your missionary team, we are making a difference on Capitol Hill! But, it's only because of your generous investments in this unique ministry that we are able to fulfill God’s calling upon our lives.
Please pray for your missionary team at Faith & Liberty. And, stand with us through your generous support! God IS working!
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.