Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital
Oct 27, 2020
A 28-year-old enrolled in a COVID-19 vaccine trial died last week in Brazil. This caused a slight pause in the ongoing trial and raised some very serious questions ... and some very dodgy answers.
In addition, the University of Virginia was caught forcing employees to follow its own “interpretation” of the Bible when it comes to vaccines.
You should be able to make the decision to take a vaccine or not. Your vaccines should not be the decision of a governor or state health official. Make your voice heard today. Urge our governors to take the lead on keeping COVID vaccines the free choice of the person or parents of those who may receive it. -Your Faith & Liberty team
The person who died in the Brazil study raised foundational concerns that have not been answered straight. The first and foremost question is, did he receive the shot or the placebo in the study?
Reporters and health officials worded their answer very carefully and indirectly, which is a big red flag in politics. The health officials in Brazil gave “no details about the death, citing confidentiality protocols,” wrote an unnamed reporter for BBC. The writer concluded, “The BBC understands that the volunteer did not receive the vaccine.”
If we find out later that this 28-year-old DID receive the COVID-19 vaccine, the vaccine company (which was never directly quoted) cannot be held liable. Nor can the anonymous reporter be held accountable for a potential “misunderstanding.”
There is too much money riding on this vaccine to blindly trust the absence of corporate answers or the “understanding” of a news organization. The BBC is already deeply beholden to Bill Gates and the 20 million dollars he gave to the BBC World Service Trust. Make your voice heard by our legislators and governors with a critical fax demanding that taking a vaccine should remain a personal choice.
Keep in mind that Oxford and AstraZeneca are joint partners on this vaccine. They stand to possibly financially benefit to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars, probably annually if they are the first to be approved.
“Oxford University said it had carried out a careful assessment … and that there were no concerns about the safety of the trial. An independent assessment of the case didn’t present any concerns, AstraZeneca said.”
That is a lot of money on the line, especially when you realize that there is not a single person from either company on record stating that this person did not receive the COVID vaccine.
Our concern involves more than just taking the vaccine – it's about being forced by draconian government orders to take the vaccine. The freedom to individually choose to take or not take the vaccine must be preserved.
We have a very short time to make a bold statement before these vaccines are on our doorstep. Send your urgent fax today to legislators and governors to fight for our freedom.
One example of the level of control that state agencies want over your body is found at the University of Virginia Health System (UVA Health). UVA Health threatened an employee with “discipline,” which could lead to suspension and termination if he does not get a flu vaccine.
This is despite the fact that he has asked for a religious accommodation several times. This man chooses to not accept anything that would defile his body, which includes vaccines made from aborted fetal cell lines or ones developed by companies that profit from aborted fetal tissue. Despite this, he has been informed that he must submit by November 13, 2020.
However, it didn’t stop there. With a shocking level of hubris, UVA Health attempted to tell this religious man how he should view the Bible, if he wants to stay employed.
Their reply said, “Stating that you are a Christian and citing biblical verses that do not address vaccinations is not sufficient basis for granting an exemption ... Therefore, your request ... does not fall within the allowed exemptions.”
UVA Health is seeking to reverse the state law allowing exemptions for vaccines based on religious beliefs.
Help us fight back against those governing the agencies pushing people to violate their sincerely held beliefs. Demand that our legislators and governors protect the conscience and faith of religious workers today with your urgent fax.
On Capitol Hill, our staff members are working with political leaders who are asking questions. We are in high level meetings to address concerns about these vaccines. We can only do this because of your support of our ministry's vision. Your gift helps us bring light to the darkness and give strength to silenced voices. I ask you to give your best gift today to help our mission or sign up for recurring monthly donations to keep us moving forward.
Please join me in praying for our nation and the future path that we will take. Pray for Faith & Liberty that God will open the doors for us together to bring the Word of God to bear on the hearts and minds of our public policy makers and protect our freedom.
Your missionaries to Washington, DC,
Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President
Mat Staver, Chairman
Rev. Gregory Cox, Lead Missionary
P.S. Our presence on Capitol Hill is making a difference. For weeks we were actively engaged every day in support of now Justice Amy Coney Barrett during her Senate confirmation hearings. And, on Sunday we provided key assistance to Sean Feucht and his worship team as 30,000 people gathered on the National Mall in DC to pray and worship Jesus.
And right now, we are working hard to push back and win this battle for your religious freedom in the legislatures across America. Send a fax demanding that legislators and governors make sure that the choice to vaccinate stays truly free.
If you can support Faith & Liberty with a donation of any size today, we would deeply appreciate your partnership with us in this mission. Again, thank you and God bless.
BBC. (2020, Oct 22). Covid: No safety concerns found with Oxford vaccine trial after Brazil death.
Doughton, S. (2011, Mar 3). Gates Foundation Gives $20M to BBC Charity Arm." Seattle Times.
Liberty Counsel. (2020, Oct 23). UVA Health Denies Employee Religious Accommodation.
Magalhaes, L. & Pearson, S. (2020, Oct 21). AstraZeneca/Oxford Coronavirus Vaccine Trial in Brazil to Continue Following Death of Volunteer. The Wall Street Journal.