Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

The Faith & Liberty Monday Report

Aug 24, 2020

This year, we have the privilege of hosting the 2020 US Capitol Bible Reading Marathon, but we are still in need of virtual readers. If you would like to join us and read a portion of the Bible (5-10 minutes), please sign up online under Faith & Liberty EVENTS. The US Capitol Bible Reading Marathon runs September 12th - September 16th. It is a powerful event you won’t want to miss!

In the coming days, we will be participating in a Zoom meeting with Dr. Simone Gold, Founder of America’s Frontline Doctors. Stay tuned for more details as we will be extending an invitation for you to join us in this virtual meeting.

Over this last week, your Faith & Liberty team members participated in numerous important meetings, many virtually, and we are looking forward to the fall session when members of Congress return to the Hill. Thank you for standing with us in support and prayer.

You are making a difference!


Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President



  • We continue to host our Monday Bible study for congressional staffers. It’s necessary in today’s world to build these relationships and strengthen these young adults. It’s definitely helpful to see their familiar faces when we visit the congressional offices. Please keep them in your prayers.
  • Ambassador BrownbackWe continue to participate in weekly study and group committee meetings where we utilize our influence and pray for members. We had a great opportunity to talk with US Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback, about international issues that are of concern.
  • We participated in a strategic Pro-Life Caucus focused on prayer and strategic planning to protect the unborn.
  • We continue to stay abreast of important national issues that impact every American as well as pastors and churches across the nation.
  • Peggy Nienaber interviewed John Whaley, National Pioneer for The Rooftop USA.  Faith & Liberty Lead Missionary, Rev. Gregory Cox, will be directing the Rooftop Prayer in Washington DC, on September 14th at 9:00am ET. We will gather on the roof of a historic location in the Federal District to pray for our nation as well as the city of Washington, DC.  It will be a remarkable moment of spiritual intercession. The event will be virtual so you will be able to join and pray along with us.
  • Faith & Liberty Vice-President, Peggy Nienaber, participated in a White House call on Pro-Life updates. White House leaders announced that the Trump Administration released two reports further demonstrating the President’s clear commitment to protecting the sanctity of life.
  • Ambassador John RichmondShe also engaged in live conversations about the rise of sex trafficking online with Ambassador John Richmond as well as other government officials and front-line specialists from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Justice, the Government of the Philippines, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, to learn more about unique challenges and innovations in the global fight against sex trafficking. This interactive gathering was hosted virtually by the U.S. State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. NGOs and leaders of non-profits came together for a conversation to discuss ways to fight this issue.
  • We continue to connect with members of Congress via phone and zoom, enabling us to pray and support them as they need.

Senator James Lankford (R-OK)



We continue our preparations for the Bible Reading Marathon being hosted this year at the ministry center. We also continue to prepare for our Prayer Retreat as well as the 40 Days of Prayer that will begin near the end of September. We’re working toward getting that set up so that you can click a link and submit your prayer requests online.

Here are just a few more items happening this week:

  • Scheduling members of Congress to read at the US Capitol Bible Reading Marathon
  • The Republican National Convention - monitoring and praying with our Prayer Team for our President and Vice-President
  • Hosting Candace Owens in our Ministry Center for a pro-life interview

There is so much happening in our nation’s capital that demands our attention and immediate response. Look for our ACTION emails coming up this week. We really need everyone to take a stand with us both in prayer and with your generous investment in this ministry.



Please pray for our pastors as there are so many who are under persecution for believing that the church is essential and has been for the past 2,000 years. We know of several that have been criminally charged and threatened—just for holding a worship service. Staff and churchgoers have been threatened too.

Thank you for your prayers and support. We are making a difference as your missionaries on Capitol Hill and it's only because of your generous investment in this ministry that we are able to fulfill God's calling on our lives.

We pray you are well, safe and whole.
