Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

The Oppression of God's People WILL NOT STAND

May 13, 2020

Last week, your team at Faith & Liberty led the ONLY National Day of Prayer event on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, as we gathered on the West Plaza of the Capitol Building (Right where presidents are sworn into office) to cry out to God on behalf of our nation. And our nation needs that prayer!

We are witnessing right now one of the most flagrant attacks on religious freedom we've ever seen in our 25+ years of ministry to our nation's public policy makers. Churches across America are in the cross hairs of tyrannical elected leaders.

Select here to defend Religious Freedom.

For instance, in Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker ordered that no church, regardless of size or safety measures, may have more than 10 people, including the pastoral team, in attendance. To ensure compliance, the governor has instructed State Police to fill out "stop cards and field reports" concerning those found in violation of the governor's 10-person rule.

Two Romanian pastors in Chicago have determined to open their churches without implementing the unconstitutional 10-person limit. As a result, the governor and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot threatened to arrest the Romanian pastors. These pastors never thought they would face arrest for holding church in America. That happened in Communist Romania but should never happen in the Land of the Free!

May 10, 2020 Service at Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church

Yesterday, Mayor Lightfoot again threatened arrest. Amazingly, this past Sunday media reporters attended their first in-person service. They were so impressed with the safety measures taken by the church that they have been praising the church in their major media outlets.

This is NOT a question of safety or putting people at risk

Both Chicago-area churches went far and above the safety measures taken by the commercial operations that Gov. Pritzker and Mayor Lightfoot deem "essential." The day before holding their first in-person service in months, one church brought in a professional disinfectant crew to sanitize the entire sanctuary from top to bottom.

Yellow tape was placed around chairs so that attendees had no choice but to be seated a minimum of six feet apart. Attendees were given masks and gloves to wear as well as hand sanitizer to further protect themselves.

Finally, the church controlled the number of attendees by limiting the number of open seats in their sanctuary. Once those seats were filled, the church turned away prospective participants, limiting attendance to just 120 in a sanctuary that normally holds 1,300. Gov. Pritzker's order had sought to limit the church to just 10 members in this large church. One visitor to the church was quoted in a Chicago newspaper as being overwhelmed to be back in church fellowship.

Will YOU help keep Freedom of Religion FREE? Select here to fund the fight!

No grocery store, home repair store, liquor store or other allowed "essential service" business has gone to the lengths that these Romanian churches have to ensure the safety of their attendees. Nor have any of these so called "essential services" been under the same restrictions placed upon churches.

The fact is that Gov. Pritzker's and Mayor Lightfoot's "rules" are illegal and blatantly unconstitutional. The First Amendment guarantees free exercise of religion and prohibits the government from dictating the form and manner of worship.

Churches have a First Amendment right to exist, but businesses do not. These Romanian pastors should never have to fear arrest or sanction as they once did in Communist Romania.

Select here to stand for Religious Freedom.

At Faith & Liberty, we are standing with these courageous pastors against the unconstitutional actions of the State.

The oppression of God's people in America WILL NOT STAND.

Help us in this critical fight! Select here.

Next to the right to life, religious liberty is the most essential of all liberties. Pray for America and for Liberty Counsel's legal team.

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14

Your missionaries to Washington, D.C.,

Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President
Mat Staver, Chairman
Rev. Gregory Cox, Lead Missionary

P.S. Big Tech isn't just censoring the news, they are also blocking emails like ours, preventing the world from learning the TRUTH. Please help us beat Big Tech censorship by forwarding this message to a friend. Select here.

LAST THING: Ready to take MORE action? Select here to Tell all 50 Governors to LEAVE OUR CHURCHES ALONE!