Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

This Has NOTHING to Do With a Virus

Mar 25, 2020

Democrats and Republicans came to an "agreement" around 1 AM this morning that is going to cost you, the taxpayer, a shocking 2 trillion dollars. This is more money than the 2008 and the 2009 bailout COMBINED!!

The cost for this bill literally doubled (from 1 trillion to 2 trillion) overnight.

In addition, NO ONE on Capitol Hill has gotten the bill’s language yet BECAUSE LEGISLATIVE STAFF ARE STILL DRAFTING IT ... even as I type this to you now!

And we know that final deliberations for this critical legislation are happening TODAY.

Send an urgent fax now before it's too late.

As of yesterday evening, radicals were pushing to do all of the following (and more) in this legislation:

  • Permanently give tax dollars to Planned Parenthood
  • Provide tax dollars for research that uses aborted baby organs
  • Force corporations to embrace LGBT leadership on their boards
  • Permanently strip all work requirements from SNAP (food stamps)
  • Force airlines to include a union representative on their boards
  • Nationalize elections, including same-day voter registration
  • Fund expensive elements of the Green New Deal regarding carbon emissions and force taxpayers to buy old airplanes
  • And just when millions of Americans are out of work, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is pushing to automatically extend foreign work visas, limiting Americans' ability to get back to work

This has NOTHING to do with a virus. It has everything to do with the radicals’ plans to reinvent America into their vision of crippling the economy and destroying President Trump.

This is our moment. We saw firsthand Speaker Pelosi’s disastrous "Pass-it-so-we-can-find-out-what's-in-it" plan on Obamacare. And we saw its devastating, skyrocketing medical costs across America. After that debacle, now Congress is asking you to trust them with our economy … when THEY don’t even know what’s in this bill yet?

Our focus is not on the legislation itself, but on how the legislation will impact Americans, including you! We simply don’t trust the motives of some of these members. Congress should be addressing the virus and helping people who have lost their jobs – not attempting to advance their pet projects!

Join us right now in making your voice heard through sending an urgent fax. We want to help make this as affordable as possible so I’m offering to temporarily share the cost of sending a fax with you. Taking advantage of this discount helps flood the desks of D.C. politicians with this message.

Our time is very short.

We are sharing the cost of sending these faxes because we believe this message is so critical. Now is when I need friends and supporters to step up, and, if you are able, to please pitch in to help us cover these new expenses.

Support Faith & Liberty right now to keep our voice in D.C. We would deeply appreciate any donations to help us cover the expense of sharing the cost of our faxing service.


Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President
Mat Staver, Chairman
Rev. Gregory Cox, Lead Missionary