Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital
Mar 3, 2020
As Spring approaches, so does a season of intense ministry in Washington, D.C. – particularly to federal judges, justices, and their staff.
Although we rarely discuss it, in addition to our efforts at the White House and in Congress, we are the ONLY ministry on Capitol Hill actively reaching the Judicial branch of government with the Gospel.
That’s why tomorrow, March 4, our team will be at the High Court for June Medical Services LLC v. Russo. This case involves the Unsafe Abortion Protection Act, a 2014 Louisiana state law requiring abortion providers to have admitting privileges in a hospital within 30 miles of the abortion facility.
The Unsafe Abortion Protection Act allows a woman to go directly to the hospital if she needs urgent care as a result of a problem during her abortion. While abortionists falsely argue that abortion is safe, kind of like a tonsillectomy, the truth is there’s a long history of substandard medical care at Louisiana abortion clinics, with numerous violations for unclean facilities and unsafe medical conditions.
Those conditions put the lives of women, particularly poor women, at risk. So much for abortionists caring for their patients!
This is the FIRST case involving the Sanctity of Human Life that Justice Brett Kavanaugh will hear. At Faith & Liberty, we fight hard to see justices like Justice Kavanaugh, who support the Constitution and value the Sanctity of Human Life, nominated and confirmed to the Supreme Court.
But our confidence is ultimately NOT in a justice nor in the Court! Our hope and faith is in the LORD!
That’s why we will be inside the Court during the case – interceding to our Heavenly Father on behalf of those victimized by abortion profiteers. And while we may not know the outcome of the case, we know that GOD ANSWERS PRAYER!
You may not be able to join us in the Court, but you can join us in prayer for the case at 10:00am (Eastern). Together, we are making a difference!
Of course, our missionary work on Capitol Hill is ONLY possible because faithful friends like you stand with us in prayer and with your financial support.
Take a moment now to make the most generous investment you can in this unique missionary outreach! Please let us hear from you!
Thank you for your prayers and your generosity to Faith & Liberty! We’ll keep you posted on what happens in this critical pro-life case. Blessings!
Your missionary team to Washington, D.C.
Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President
Mat Staver, Chairman
Rev. Greg Cox, Lead Missionary