Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital
Feb 6, 2020
Please forgive this lengthy email, but it may be one of the most important we’ve ever sent as pastors, churches, and Christian organizations like Faith & Liberty face an assault this election season, on the values we hold dear.
Over the last few days, your missionary team at Faith & Liberty witnessed firsthand powerful examples of the growing hatred we believers face toward our foundational beliefs. Our own Vice-President, Peggy Nienaber, was in the Senate gallery during the impeachment trial of President Trump. In spite of the inspirational prayers of our good friend, Chaplain Barry Black, you could sense the bitter partisanship in the room.
When the President was fully acquitted, the anger was intense. Minority leader Chuck Schumer along with many leftists in congress refused to accept the results – some vowing to impeach Trump again!
Peggy was also present at the historic State of the Union address.
At the National Prayer Breakfast Peggy attended on Thursday, President Trump restated his belief that every child is a gift from God as well as his commitment to defend the sanctity of life!
At the same time, hatred toward those values and principles foundational to our mission at Faith & Liberty—the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death, the sanctity of the family as God defines the family, and religious freedom—has reached a feverish pitch, unlike anything we’ve ever witnessed in our 25+ years of ministry on Capitol Hill.
That’s why, as we enter perhaps the most important election cycle in America’s history, it is imperative our voices are heard in November – even as our opponents are striving to silence all of us!
But silence is NOT an option!
That’s why we encourage you right now to obtain the Silence Is Not an Option packet. In it, our Chairman, Mat Staver, explains the legal rights of pastors and churches and gives historic examples of what actions pastors, churches, and non-profits can take in this upcoming election.
In fact, a nationally known pastor remarked about Silence Is Not an Option, "After watching the video I felt like a prisoner set free. Everyone tells me what I can’t do, but you told me what I CAN do."
Our goal is simple. We want to make these vital resources available to churches and pastors across the nation. Amazingly, for just $10 we can put our Silence Is Not an Option resource pack directly into the hands of pastors and churches in key battleground states.
That’s where you come in!
Can we count on your help to sponsor TWO, THREE, FIVE, TEN or more key battleground churches?
When you join in this effort, you are partnering with Faith & Liberty and concerned Christians across the country who want to ensure that the voices of people of faith are not silenced in this critical election!
Please prayerfully consider becoming a monthly partner of Faith & Liberty to enable us to proactively lead on this and many other critical battlefronts—or consider giving a one-time donation that helps defray the expense of this campaign. These would be life-giving acts to strengthen and support our organization.
Thank you in advance and may all of God’s very best be yours!
Peggy Neinaber, Vice-President
Mat Staver, Chairman
Rev. Gregory Cox, Lead Missionary
Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President of Faith & Liberty, attending the National Prayer Breakfast.