Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital


Jan 28, 2020

Because of your prayers and generous investments, Faith & Liberty just completed an extraordinary week of ministry...and experienced a breathtaking moment in history!

In a moving tribute, held on January 22, the 47th anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade Supreme Court opinion, scores of prolife leaders and concerned believers gathered to prayerfully lay 3,000 flowers on the sidewalk in front of the United States Supreme Court. This prayerful act recognized the 3,000 innocent lives lost every day in America through the holocaust of abortion. What a powerful and prophetic witness to the Supreme Court – the institution that 47 years ago brought us legalized abortion on demand—of the cost of that dreadful decision.

We were there as your missionaries to our nation’s judiciary!

On Friday, January 24, Faith & Liberty’s Vice-President, Peggy Nienaber, met with two prolife champions on Capitol Hill. Melissa Ohden, author of “You Carried Me” and Abby Johnson, author of “The Walls are Talking.” Melissa also spoke at Faith & Liberty’s Life Reception held at our ministry center on Capitol Hill following the March for Life.

In addition to meeting with Melissa and Abby, Peggy, along with Patty Bills, Faith & Liberty’s Director of Constituency Affairs, helped lead the National Prayer Service at the DAR Constitution Hall, right across the street from the White House. The gathering of 2,000 people included religious, civic, and political leaders from across America. It was an extraordinary morning as people from diverse ethnicities, nationalities, denominations, and social and economic levels gathered for prayer and intercession, to cry out to God in unity against the scourge of abortion and on behalf of our nation.

While the National Prayer Service was being held at Constitution Hall, Faith & Liberty’s Lead Missionary, Rev. Greg Cox, joined with other prolife leaders on the platform at the March for Life Rally on the National Mall. History was made as President Donald Trump became the first president ever to address, in person, the throngs of prolife marchers. In his remarks, President Trump publicly acknowledged the value and dignity of every human being, from conception to natural death. Through his presence, remarks, and ongoing policies, President Trump has become the most prolife president in our history!

And ALL of these amazing efforts were only possible because of the prayerful support of concerned patriots such as yourself.

And we need you to continue to stand with us!

At this moment, as the impeachment rages in the Senate, we are placing prayer warriors in the offices of several strategic senators. We will also be in the Senate gallery, praying quietly for truth to prevail and justice to be done.

In addition, we are making preparations for the ongoing bible studies we are holding in 2020 for congressional staffers.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of our spring efforts to bring the Word of God to bear on the hearts and minds of our public policy makers.

Take a moment now to make the most generous investment possible to make certain our prophetic voice is heard in the congressional, judicial, and executive branches of our national government.

To make your urgently needed gift to Faith & Liberty, click here!

Thank you for standing with us! Thank you for your prayers! And, thank you for your generosity!

Your Missionaries to Washington, D.C.,

Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President

Mat Staver, Chairman

Rev. Greg Cox, Lead Missionary