Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital
Dec 29, 2019
The New Year is almost upon us.
With the House and Senate on break, in just a few days the Hill will erupt in a flurry of political bickering and partisan rancor as the impeachment storm rages on. It is into this whirlwind of contention and fighting that we have been called with the Gospel of hope and salvation. Our message is the same one given by the angelic hosts on that first Christmas night: Jesus Christ is our Salvation in whom we find Hope and Peace. And, it’s a message that members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, and even Presidents need to hear.
In fact, has there been a time in recent memory where that message was more needed in our nation’s capital than right now? That’s why it’s critical we begin the new year from a financially good position.
And, with a $50,000 Challenge Grant from a good friend of this unique prophetic ministry, we’ve never been better positioned to start the New Year strong! Because of this generous Challenge Grant, your gift to Faith & Liberty will have double the impact!
You too have been such a good friend of this missionary outreach to Washington, DC. Thank you! But right now, as we face a new year with this unprecedented Challenge Grant, it’s critical that as many of our faithful supporters as possible stand with us again.
With only a few days left in 2019, there’s still time to make your urgently needed investment in this ministry and still get the full tax benefit for 2019 as well as see your gift doubled through our Challenge Grant. Your generous investment in Faith & Liberty can make all the difference.
To make your much-needed end-of-year gift to Faith & Liberty, please click here.
You can also call in your gift if you prefer to 202-737-1776. Our staff is standing by to process your contribution. To receive 2019 tax credit, your gift must be made by 12:00 Midnight in your time zone tomorrow, December 31. If you mail in your gift, it must be postmarked by 12:00 Midnight in your time zone.
Thank you for your prayers and faithful support. May all of God’s richest blessings be yours. We look forward to working together in 2020 to advance the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in Washington, DC.
Your ministry team to our nation’s public policy makers,
Peggy Nienaber, Vice President, Faith & Liberty
Mat Staver, Chairman
Rev. Greg Cox, Lead Missionary, Faith & Liberty