Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

Merry CHRISTmas from the Capital!

Dec 24, 2019

2019 has been a momentous year in Washington, DC, concluding with the most partisan impeachment of a president in our nation’s history. As we come to the end of the year, your missionary teams at Faith & Liberty will be actively engaged as this impeachment fiasco continues to unfold!

It's also been a momentous year for Faith & Liberty! By God's grace, over the last 12 months we have marveled at His faithfulness in opening unprecedented doors of ministry opportunity in the nation’s capital — the very reason we are here!

Because of your prayers and generosity, Faith & Liberty has boldly and prophetically proclaimed the message of God's redemptive love in very public ways here at the center of our national government.

For instance, just a couple of weeks ago, we completed our most successful LIVE NATIVITY ever, the only time the full meaning of CHRISTmas is both proclaimed and dramatically displayed for everyone on Capitol Hill to hear and see. The image of the Holy Family on Capitol Hill — passing the Senate Office Buildings — in front of the Supreme Court — opposite the U.S. Capitol — and along the side of the Library of Congress made it impossible for our elected and appointed officials and their staffs to ignore!

Thank you for making our efforts to reach our nation's leaders with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ possible. Please know that, together, we are making a tremendous difference in our nation's capital!

And, on behalf of our entire ministry team at Faith & Liberty, Merry Christmas!

Peggy Nienaber, Vice President, Faith & Liberty

Mat Staver, Esq., Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel

Rev. Gregory Cox, Lead Missionary, Faith & Liberty