Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

Bring Light to This Darkness

Oct 31, 2019

Today the possibility of the impeachment of the President of the United States is taking a giant leap forward. While Faith & Liberty is a nonpartisan missionary outreach to Capitol Hill, we have fundamental concerns about the fairness of this sham “impeachment” process and its potential to further bitterly divide our nation.

That’s why we have prayer teams in the gallery of the U.S. House of Representatives at this very moment!

Senator Lindsey Graham made his concerns known when he said, “The House could care less about fairness. [Rep. Adam] Schiff is not looking for the truth." And right now, leftists in the House appear guilty on an ongoing basis of doing exactly what they are accusing President Trump of doing!

If that is the case, this process is just more political gamesmanship from those who have opposed President Trump since his election -- with potentially very dangerous consequences.


From the beginning, there have been indications of collusion between the legislators who were involved in opening the investigation and the witnesses. It is now apparent that Rep. Adam Schiff lied about the involvement of his office with the “whistle-blower” who was allegedly the source behind the concerns regarding President Trump’s phone call with the then President-elect of the Ukraine.

But truth never seems to slow down these deceitful legislators.

Instead, they closed the doors and conducted secret hearings while leaking out bits and pieces along the way as it suited their false narrative. With great divisiveness already infecting the nation, the last thing we need is a Soviet-style impeachment process whose end result was fixed from the beginning!

Many of the representatives in the House came into office almost three years ago with the expressed intent of impeaching President Trump! This was always their agenda and they’ve spent all their time feverishly searching for some purported “crime” to justify their actions.

Injustice loves darkness and secrecy. That’s why the Bible speaks of evil deeds done in darkness (John 3:19). It’s time that you and I do what we can to bring Light into the darkness – and that means boldly coming before the Throne of Heaven and crying out for Justice and Truth!

It also means identifying representatives, both Democrats and Republicans, who are concerned about this unconstitutional process as well as the apparent lack of any evidence whatsoever of high crimes and misdemeanors – actions that rise to the actual standard of impeachment -- and challenging them to act with integrity!

Your missionary team at Faith & Liberty is on-site, directly engaged during these unprecedented proceedings. We are committed to making certain our prayer teams are on site – interceding in the midst of this divisive process.

But we need you to join us in that prayer. We believe our nation is facing a critical moment in its history that requires a national prayer response.

Will you agree to take time daily to pray for our nation and for this entire contrived process of impeaching the President?

Please take a moment to make your pledge to join us in prayer for our nation and our duly-elected President.

In addition to your prayers, please take a moment to make the most generous investment you can in Faith & Liberty. Our critical efforts to inform the hearts and minds of our nation’s public policy makers is only possible because of your prayers and generous donations.

We are making significant progress in our mission but we depend daily upon your faithful generosity.

Thank you!

Your missionary team to Washington, DC.

P.S. This is a critical moment in American history and we need to cover our nation in prayer. I hope you will sign your pledge to pray for our nation and for our President! If you are able to make a donation, your support allows us to continue boldly declaring the Gospel on Capitol Hill. Help Faith & Liberty spread the word and unite our nation in prayer!