Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

CHRISTmas on Capitol Hill

Oct 28, 2019

At Faith & Liberty, we will not let the “grinch” steal Christmas. We will celebrate the real reason for the season in a spectacular way on December 4th with our Live Nativity on Capitol Hill.

In the Live Nativity, actors in New Testament era costumes portray Mary, Joseph, and the Christ Child (always a real, live, newborn baby), the shepherds, Wise Men, townspeople, angels -- and that’s not all…we even include the animals that likely surrounded that first Christmas scene at Bethlehem: a donkey, sheep, and LIVE CAMELS!

This living Gospel drama challenges our public policy makers and visitors from around the world with the truth that in Jesus Christ, God is With Us!

When the live actors walk in costume (including baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes) and the live animals make their way around Capitol Hill—and stop to recreate the manger scene at Bethlehem IN FRONT OF THE US SUPREME COURT, hundreds of people pause to gaze—and listen, as the entire Christmas gospel is read from Luke, Chapter 2!

Of course, all of this takes a huge amount of work! For instance, to hold this unforgettable Christmas event here in Washington, we must:

  • Carefully prepare, clean, press, and sometimes repair the elaborate costumes worn by the actors
  • Recruit & train dozens of volunteer support staff
  • Arrange for special permits for exotic animals—including arranging vaccinations and health certifications
  • Secure vehicle clearances and parking areas
  • Arrange for clergy from different denominations to participate
  • Enlist a singer to lead the Christmas caroling
  • Procure a sound system and operator
  • And much, much more...

All this must be done weeks ahead of the actual performance date! And this is where YOU come in:

Your prayers, encouragement, and financial partnership make all this possible. Without YOU we could not stage this Live Nativity Christmas presentation on Capitol Hill!

And it’s critically important this unique Christmas event continues here in Washington. You see, not only is the Live Nativity a reminder of the Gospel, it is also the best way for us to robustly exercise our God-given, constitutionally protected First Amendment right to publicly exercise our religious beliefs.

Help us keep Christ in CHRISTmas this year with your tax-deductible gift to support our Live Nativity!

Thank you for making certain our public officials see and hear the powerful message of Jesus Christ – born in Bethlehem as our King and our Lord – through the 2019 Live Nativity!

God bless you for your help!

Your missionaries to Washington, D.C.