Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital
Jul 26, 2019
The fight for religious freedom is heating up on Capitol Hill.
At the State Department last week, your missionaries at Faith & Liberty were actively engaged in planning and developing strategies to advance religious freedom here in America and around the world.
At the same time, we warned other leaders about one of the worst threats to our liberties we’ve ever seen – and it’s being pushed in Congress right now. For the first time ever, HR 5, the so-called “Equality Act," extends federal protections to include both "sexual orientation" and "gender identity." That puts homosexuals on par with African-Americans or women as a protected class under federal law.
While such a law is a dream come true for those advancing a radical LGBTQ agenda, it is a nightmare for people of faith—people like you, who love our constitutionally guaranteed right to religious freedom.
As evangelist and humanitarian Franklin Graham warned, if the "Equality Act" becomes law...
“Christians will be persecuted for their sincerely held beliefs as never before. The clear teachings of the Bible on the sins of homosexuality and abortion will no doubt be considered 'hate speech.' It will be a nightmare from which this nation may never recover."
That’s why all of us at Faith & Liberty are fighting hard to make certain this outrageous bill NEVER becomes law in America.
But we need your help! We need you to join with us in prayer against this intentionally misnamed act that wishes to force a radical LGBTQ agenda on our nation.
As you join with us in prayer, please take a moment right now to stand with your team at Faith & Liberty by making the most generous investment in this unique ministry you can! We are marshalling every resource possible to make the most aggressive stand we can against this nightmare legislation.
What happens if the so-called “Equality Act” becomes law?
We must stop this LGBT-led assault on freedom—and the Senate is the place to do it.
That's why we’re asking you now to join other friends of liberty in telling key Senators to kill this bill. Use Faith & Liberty’s convenient fax Congress service to send a message now!
Now is the time to make our voices heard! It will take a well-informed, fierce and prolonged grassroots outcry from friends of freedom like you and me to kill this legislative Frankenstein—this nightmare—and ensure it does not return to stalk the halls of Congress again.
Thank you for standing with us to defend freedom for women, Christians, counselors and for vulnerable people who want to seek the counsel of their choice. During this battle for the future of America, your prayers and generous investments in Faith & Liberty are needed more than ever!
Thank you – and may all of God’s very best be yours!
Your missionary team at Faith & Liberty
P.S. Use our enhanced faxing program to make sure your message is heard in Washington, D.C. Send a fax today to oppose the "Equality Act" and help restore our nation's moral compass. Again, thank you for your support!