Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital
Jun 28, 2019
As we approach July 4, the celebration of American Independence, please consider with us for a moment the tremendous price our forefathers paid to secure "the blessings of liberty" for our nation, including religious freedom.
But will those liberties remain secure?
Faith & Liberty is determined to remain a stalwart voice for religious liberty in our nation's capital, reminding our policy makers and administrators every day that freedom of conscience is foundational to every other liberty Americans enjoy.
Yesterday, Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President of Faith & Liberty, participated in a U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) hearing concerning international religious communities and their ability to practice their faith without government interference.
Opening remarks at the Commission were delivered by Representative Thom Tillis, R-NC, but the highlight of the event was the presentation by Pastor Andrew Brunson, an extraordinary Christian and former prisoner of conscience in Turkey.
Pastor Brunson's remarks acknowledged his love for the people in Turkey but expressed his great sorrow that the Turkish government has completely rejected the concept of religious tolerance. He helped found many Christian churches in Turkey and was falsely accused of terrorism for doing so.
His God-given ministry became the crime for which he was convicted and held prisoner for more than two years. The U.S. State Department, along with many religious freedom organizations including Faith & Liberty, strongly advocated for his release.
And while we might dismiss Pastor Brunson's imprisonment as something that happened on the other side of the world, if laws like the so-called "Equality Act" become law in the United States, how long will it be before American pastors face legal sanctions because they preach the Truth of the Gospel?
That's why we must remain ever vigilant in advancing religious freedom. And, as your missionaries to Washington, DC, that is EXACTLY what we do!
But we need your help to continue our energetic, multi-faceted outreach to Capitol Hill. Our efforts are only possible because friends like you stand with us in your prayers and your faithful investments in this highly effective missionary outreach.
Your gift today will help make certain the prophetic work of Faith & Liberty continues strong on Capitol Hill. Thank you for your prayers and your faithful support!
Your missionaries to our nation's capital,
Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President
Mat Staver, Chairman
Greg Cox, Lead Missionary
P.S. Listening to Pastor Andrew Brunson's testimony is both inspiring and chilling at the same time. For those of us working in God's vineyard on Capitol Hill, resisting radical anti-faith legislation like the deceitfully named "Equality Act" has become a high priority. We know where the radical leftist, anti-faith agenda leads. It MUST be defeated! Please pray about sending a substantial gift to undergird Faith & Liberty's vital work today!
And if you have not already done so, mark your calendar now for the Faith & Liberty Banquet at the Good 'N Plenty Restaurant in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, to be held on Monday, September 23, 2019. For more information or to RSVP, click here to register or call 202-737-1776. We'll see you there!