Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

Remember the Courts

Jun 11, 2019

View of the US Supreme Court from the Faith & Liberty Ministry Center

As ministers of the Gospel, called of God to Capitol Hill, one of our most humbling and exciting efforts involves our most unique outreach—to our nation's federal judiciary.

Members of our team have had the privilege to share the Gospel to local, state, and federal judges across America, including a team member invited to speak to a significant number of federal judges. During the presentation, an invitation to accept Jesus was extended - yes, to the scores of federal judges sitting in the audience. With fear and trepidation, the 'altar call' was given, and after what seemed an eternity, a hand went up to receive Christ...then another and another. That day numerous federal judges made the decision to receive Jesus Christ as Lord!

Our Ministry Center is just a few paces from the private entry into the Supreme Court. It takes us only a couple of minutes to get from our office to the actual chamber where the justices sit to hear cases. As you know, our Faith & Liberty ministry team was instrumental in the confirmation process of Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

We believe God put us in this location because it is within easy access of the most important (and most unseen) part of our mission field in Washington, D.C. — our outreach to the courts, including the High Court, and to those who work in the judicial branch of government.

And whether it be pastoral care or prayer, our calling is to show the love of Christ and to be bearers of the Good News!

In the months ahead, our ministry will become even more important as the High Court considers cases involving some of the most monumental social and moral issues facing our nation.

We firmly believe within the next year or two the Supreme Court will take up a major abortion case. And we believe the Court will overturn abortion (Roe v. Wade) within the next five years. This is huge and there is a fierce spiritual battle that must be fought to see this victory.

We need you to be part of our mission team!

You can be God's instrument of strength and encouragement for this ministry team by praying for us and by making a generous, tax-deductible investment in Faith & Liberty.

To make an immediate and greatly appreciated gift to Faith & Liberty, click here.

Remember, it is only because of your prayer covering and financial support we can do God's work in the nation's capital. Thank you for standing with us!

Your missionary team,

Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President
Mat Staver, Chairman
Greg Cox, Lead Missionary

P.S. As we approach what will be particularly critical election year—we are ramping up for more outreach, more prayer, and more ministries than we have done over the past 25 years! Our team depends on you as God's hand of provision to us. Please make your best gift now, especially as we enter the summer months.