Transforming lives with Good News in the Nation’s Capital

Hope for Today

Dec 25, 2020

This Christmas season reminds us that with God nothing is impossible. No matter what we face, remember the miracle – the Word became human and lived among us (John 1:1, 14). With a word our Lord created the universe, and with his word it is held together (Col. 1:15-20; Hebrews 1:3). With a word Jesus calmed the wind and the raging sea (Matthew 8:23-27).

The Birth of Christ also reminds us that the “light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” (John 1:4).

Despite our temporary conflicts, biblical history teaches us there is always hope against what seems impossible. Pharaoh thought he was in control, until God said, “Let my people go!” Haman built gallows for his enemy - but his enemy was elevated, and Haman was hung. Daniel was doomed to be eaten by lions, but God shut their mouths.

There has always been a battle between good and evil, light and darkness. This is nothing new to human history. However, despite what we see or hear, remember nothing is impossible with God. That word is not in God’s vocabulary. In fact, it is precisely when human efforts have failed that His power and strength can shine brightest.

I encourage you to keep hope first and foremost in Christ. And then to stir up hope for this and future generations.

We are in one of the most critical struggles in our history – the struggle over the survival of America. Election fraud threatens this and all future elections. If we sweep these concerns under the rug, we have lost the Republic. Future elections will be a mere charade – like in Marxist-Communist regimes.

We will never accept that in America. At Faith & Liberty we are dedicated, during this Christmas season and on into the New Year, to work tirelessly to fight for our Religious Freedom and for the integrity of our elections.

In addition to domestic election fraud from mail-in ballots, we now know that China, Russia, and Iran have interfered with this election. Foreign interference from enemies of the United States is a direct threat to our sovereignty and survival as a nation.

We have learned so much this election. Now is the time to reform this process in America. We have gained a painful understanding of how the elections are being run and we need to put that understanding to work for you. It’s not OK to just move on and forget what we have learned.

First, this election is far from over. The new Congress meets on January 6, at which time the Republicans should contest the electoral votes due to possible massive fraud. We know they are under intense pressure to remain silent and move on. But this should not happen.

The Republican members of Congress need to hear from you now. Send a critical fax to make your voice heard inside the offices of our U.S. legislators. Urge them to object to the election results, investigate, and support only an honestly elected candidate.

Another option is that you can sign our petition to key U.S. legislators to implore them to take action.

Second, there is a big election in Georgia that will determine who controls the U.S. Senate. We must fight for this race to not be a repeat of what just took place.

Third, all future elections depend on how we respond to this election. As we said, the survival of America depends on what we do today.

Get evidence of this fraud directly to our legislators who have the ability to stop the steal and restore the integrity of our voting system.


And, on this Christmas Day, please take advantage of our Year-End Challenge Grant to DOUBLE the impact of your gift right now. Support Faith & Liberty by selecting here or the button below.

Thank you for your involvement and your concern for our nation this year.

On behalf of our entire team, WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Your Missionaries to Washington, DC.,

Peggy Nienaber, Vice-President, Faith & Liberty
Mat Staver, Chairman, Faith & Liberty
Rev. Gregory Cox, Lead Missionary, Faith & Liberty

P.S. We have a Challenge Grant that will effectively DOUBLE the impact of your donations between now and the end of the year! Select here to equip our staff to fight this battle for a free and fair election.

Then send a fax directly to the U.S. legislators to urge them to object to these fraudulent election results. Or sign our petition urging Congress to stop the steal. And forward this option to others who care about our elections. Each and every signature helps our team and strengthens our educational efforts on Capitol Hill. God’s blessings on you.